Call centers that did COVID-19 “contact tracing” have grown like crazy the past two years. The federal government, States and local communities created new call centers to handle this work. Numerous contracts were awarded.
It looks like the beginning of the end for many of these centers. This week, the State of Maine decided to close one of it's COVID call centers. In particular, a call center that was opened to perform COVID contact tracing is closing. Some of the call center agents are being moved to another facility. Read more about the closure here.
We expect to see a number of contact tracing call center closures in the coming months as COVID wanes (and as the clamor for contact tracing diminishes).
One of the main sources of information about contact tracing jobs was the Johns Hopkins School of Health which created a webpage that linked to contact tracing job opportunities in each State. For most of the past two years, each State had listings for dozens of contact tracing positions.
While the Webpage still has links to different State health departments, most of the links go to pages that are no longer updated.
The contact tracing call center jobs were great while they lasted, but good riddance to them and COVID.