The term "average speed of answer" (also known as "ASA") refers to the average time it takes to answer an inbound call. The formula for average speed of answer is the total delay divided by the total …
Do Not Originate List
Everyone hates spam calls. The telephone network providers have banded together to create the "do not originate list", which is essentially a blacklist that blocks some phone numbers from being used …
Registered Caller
Everyone hates spam calls - even the telephone industry. The CTIA (an organization representing the U.S. wireless telephone industry) has established a service called "Registered Caller" to combat …
Call Termination
Call termination is a telecommunications term and generally refers to an outbound call or to the party receiving a call (the “call terminator”). Call termination is the opposite side of call …
Call Origination
Call origination is a telecommunications term and generally refers to an inbound call or to the party making a call (the "call originator"). Call origination is the opposite side of call …
Least Cost Routing
Least cost routing is a term that is used to describe how phone calls are routed by phone networks or carriers to get the lowest cost for that specific phone call. Why use least cost …