The term “After Call Work Time” (aka “ACW”) is the amount of time taken by a call center agent after hanging up a call. The After Call Work Time is the time it takes the agent to complete the record of that call.
After call work time may be used to update a customer record, enter notes about the call in a CRM, send a confirmation email, etc. The ACW work may also be completing an order form or complaint form and sending it to the appropriate department. The work may also be associated with properly dispositioning the call. After Call Work Time is also used to identify the time an agent spends after finishing a chat, email or other type of interaction. After Call Work is also referred to by call centers as ACW.
Call centers need to track ACW on a floor-wide, campaign, and agent-level basis. Is “agent 123” taking way too much time in after call work? Is the inbound customer service campaign causing lots of after call work? These insights allow call center managers to implement corrective changes that can make agents, campaigns and call centers more efficient and productive.