Call quality has a subjective component (how did the call quality seem to the agent or to the customer?) as well as an objective component (how well did the measured call attributes score?) The …
Automatic Telephone Dialing System (ATDS)
An automatic telephone dialing system (or "ATDS") is a special type of dialing system that has been highly regulated by the TCPA. To qualify as an “automatic telephone dialing system,” a device …
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Avatar Autodialer
An avatar autodialer is a special type of autodialer that uses special soundboard technology where voice snippets are manipulated by a human operator to create realistic sounding dialog. Avatar …
Call Pacing
Call pacing is an algorithm that determines how fast (or at what "pace") a predictive dialer makes outbound calls. A predictive pacing algorithm generally tries to predict how many customers to call. …
Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)
The U.S. Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is the primary federal law governing the regulation of telephone solicitations. The TCPA regulates telephone solicitations. Therefore, any person, …
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Telemarketing Sales Rule Safe Harbor
In the U.S., the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) Safe Harbor establishes a 3% Call Abandonment Rate as a safe harbor for telemarketers. Under the TSR, it is illegal for telemarketers to “abandon” any …
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